When there is no more space Compress folders to Save Storage Space 1 2Invoke-WmiMethod -Path "Win32_Directory.Name='C:\Test'" -Name compress Command line 1echo Uninstall all previous versions of components 2DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup 3 4echo Remove files needed for uninstallation of service...
This PowerShell script generates an html report listing all accounts used as logon account by services on servers in an Active Directory domain. The script has filters to ignore accounts : NT Service, NT AUTHORITY and LocalSystem https://github.com/sozezzo/Powershell/blob/master/Report/report-service-server.ps1 Apply...
It just monitor a folder for new files with Powershell. 1 2#My function 3function Do-MonitorNewFile-TODO($Event_name, $Event_FullPath, $Event_changeType, $Event_TimeGenerated) 4{ 5 Write-Host "The file '$Event_name' was $Event_changeType at $Event_TimeGenerated" -ForegroundColor red 6} 7 8function...
Source : http://blog.danskingdom.com/powershell-ise-multiline-comment-and-uncomment-done-right-and-other-ise-gui-must-haves/ Ctrl + K Comment Selected Lines Ctrl + Shift + K Uncomment Selected Lines 1 2# Define our constant variables. 3[string]$NEW_LINE_STRING = "`r`n" 4[string]$COMMENT_STRING = "#" 5 6function...
To create a password, stay paranoid and trust no one. This page you can copy it and run offline to create new strong password. You can check your password. This source to create password is nice, but they force you to use their web site, you can “not” copy it. http://passwordsgenerator.net/